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May 27, 2024

My Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Publisher - Notion Press
Genre - Short Story
Publishing year - 2024
Language - English
ISBN - 979-8-89186-434-4
Pages - 376

3x3: Tales Uncommonly Told by Avnish Burman Choudhury

Book Review - 

After finishing reading Dreamtamer and Other Short Stories, I was so excited to read 3x3 written by Avnish Burman Choudhury, the author's third book. It is a collection of three short stories revolving around the dark themes of the human psyche. The anticipation was high, and the author did not disappoint.

The book delves into the intricacies of the human condition, probing the depths of our darkest fears and most hidden desires. The collection's premise is intriguing: when you're pushed to the brink, how far will you go to protect what you cherish? How low will you fall to survive?

The first story is a gripping exploration of desperation and moral ambiguity. The author masterfully crafts a narrative where the protagonist faces outlandish choices, illustrating the lengths one might go to under extreme pressure to save his fortune. The psychological tension is palpable, making it impossible to put the story down to the very last sentence.

In the second tale, the author shifts focus to the power of imagery, questioning whether a picture can only inspire positivity or it has the potential to evoke darker emotions. This story stands out for its originality and thought-provoking premise. 

The author skillfully builds suspense, keeping the reader guessing about the protagonist's next move and ultimate outcome. It's a chilling reminder of how easily perceptions can be manipulated that too from your near and dear ones.

The final story in the collection brings a surprising yet heartwarming twist. Amidst the darker themes of deceit and crookedness, Avnish Burman Choudhury introduces elements of love, growth, and spontaneous acts of kindness. This story beautifully contrasts with the other two, providing a sense of balance and showing that even in the bleakest moments, there is room for hope and rescue.

Each story offers profound insights into what drives us, scares us, and ultimately defines us. The author has a talent for creating vivid imagery and complex characters that linger in the reader's mind long after the final page. I would love to read a full-fledged horror novel by the author in the future. 

However, I do want to point out one thing that could have been better: the over-explanation of the conclusions, particularly in the first story. Sometimes, leaving the ending shorter or more open-ended gives the readers something to ponder and enhances the experience.

Overall, it is a remarkable collection that is as unsettling as it is enlightening. For those who enjoy fiction that challenges the mind, and touches the heart, this book is a must-read. I recommend it.

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