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April 19, 2022

Ways to Leverage YouTube to Market Your Books

Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are globally used for marketing. Brands and businesses are involved in marketing their products and services on these platforms to increase the client base and boost sales. 

Why leave books behind if brands can sell almost anything on social media sites, from holiday packages to properties? Yes, you got it right! You can even market the book you wrote on social media sites such as YouTube.

Promotion is essential these days, and when it comes to marketing a book; ideas such as creating a video about it barely come to mind. Nevertheless, now that you know you can rely on YouTube to market your book, why not give it a thought?

We will introduce you to the six astonishing ways to leverage YouTube to market your book. So, brace yourself and go through the below points to know all you need to know.

1. Create Short Videos to Introduce your Book -

The best way to introduce your book to people via YouTube is by making short videos. These videos can reveal what your book is about and what people can learn from it. To start with, create a video about your book’s theme and tell people why this book is essential and what people can expect from the same.

After this, create a series of small videos by breaking down the first few chapters to give insights about the topics. But, keep in mind to not showcase every detail, as you would want people to develop their own curiosity about the book via your video content and then read the book to know everything. 

Instead, you can bring into notice the crucial topics and then, towards the end of the video clip, add a compelling CTA. For example, “to know better about this topic, do not forget to buy a copy of this recently published book.” Also, add a link in the description for the people to check for your book.

2. Take the Support of Influencers - 

Another killer way to market your book on YouTube is by seeking help from an influencer familiar with promoting similar things and who has a fan following among readers and book enthusiasts. You can partner with such an influencer and then follow a YouTube search with the keywords related to the book you have written. 

Thereafter, please search for the YouTube channels which have many views and subscribers, before reaching out to the channel owners to inform them about your books and their details.

If your book is related to sports and fitness, you can reach out to any athlete. For instance, you can collaborate with them to produce videos that talk about the accuracy of your content and how it can be helpful to others. You can also make these influencers compare your book with their real-life experiences. When influencers connect the book with their life experiences, it leaves a positive impression on the minds of the viewers.

3. Get your Book Reviewed by Experts -

You can also reach out to influencers or experts and tell them to give a review of your book. This is a great way to put weight on the content, and word of mouth creates a positive effect. Finally, you can connect with credible people on YouTube and give them a copy of your book for reading. 

Then, ask them if they can talk about what is written in your book on camera and give their opinion for the people to see. When you shake hands with experts, you not only get more views on your video but also add credibility to your book and your personality.

4. Create a Book Trailer -

If you have written a fictional book, you can consider creating its trailer for YouTube. First, you can think of a storyline for your book and choose the key highlights to reveal your book's key moments and characters. After this, create video clips and merge them with the right audio and visual effects to interest the viewers. When it comes to the success of any video, adding visual and audio effects is vital. 

You can use any decent video editor for the same, which can also help to trim video and reveal only important scenes and aspects. Options for many good video editors exist. Check for the one that features like trim video, add animation, voice-over, etc.

This approach is similar to what is followed in movies which are based on books. They take a script and make a compelling trailer for the movie. Such an approach works and at times also funds the money to eventually finish the movie. It is an instrumental method to convince and make people purchase your book.

5. Make a Series of Book Reading Videos -

With the book reading video series, you can effectively promote your book by letting people know about your book. You can select some of your favorite passages and chapters and create a video of yours reading them. 

You can also create a video series showing the plot of your book while giving the sense of characters. After that, you can upload this video on YouTube to receive anticipation and feedback from the viewers on your upcoming release.

6. Behind the Scenes -

Personalization is the most crucial factor when it comes to marketing anything. Therefore, the best way to leverage your book on YouTube is by adding a personal essence. So, put yourself in front of the camera again to create a series of “behind the scenes” segments. It will give people a chance to have a personal yet fulfilling experience coming straight from you. 

You can let people know about you, your personal choices, what this book means to you, and who inspired you. You can speak out about your love of this book, what made you write it, and why the story is important to you. This lets people know more about you and enjoy reading your book even more.

Conclusion -

Don't stop yourself from marketing your book on social media channels such as YouTube. You can use the above-given strategies for the proper marketing and win over the viewers. We hope that with these six killer ways, you will be successfully able to make your book popular by leveraging its marketing on YouTube.