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November 29, 2020

Hola amigos! November is about to end, and this month holds a special place for all the readers. 

As the name suggests, this is a yearly initiative where readers decide to read only nonfiction books. 

I got to know about this event last year only, and for this time, I had big plans, but due to some uncertainties, I only read two nonfiction books this November. 

I feel bad about it, but I'm not going to beat myself like I always do. Instead, I'm going to share all the nonfiction books I've read this year so far. So here goes my list - 

1. Attitude is Everything: Change Your Attitude...Change Your Life by Jeff Keller

Oh boy! I love this book. After reading it, I wrote an email to the author, and to my surprise, he replied. I talked to Jeff Keller, and he shared about the topic he was currently studying. What a great start. Isn't it?

2. Better Off Bald: A Life in 147 Days by Andrea Wilson Woods

It is one of my favorite biographies. Andrea's younger sister was diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer. She died after battling it for 147 days. I also have a younger sister I treat as my child, and I understand how hard it is to see your loved one in constant pain. The way Andrea manages herself and what she is currently doing with her NGO is commendable. This book left me with tears. 

3. You're the Best Friend by Ajay K. Pandey

It is a sequel to You're the Best Wife—a journey where Ajay accords the second stage of his life after losing his wife, Bhavna. The first book is close to my heart and always will be. I appreciate the author's efforts to come forward and pen down his feelings. 

4. Arrive at Success by Sandeep Nath

This nonfiction book is best suited for entrepreneurs, coaches, and business-class people. The author shares his experiences that help the readers to grow their network. 

5. Fifty Days to Fitness by Ravindran

Who doesn't want to be fit? But how many of us really do anything to get fit? I guess not many. This book is a practical guide where the author shares action plans for fifty days, including tips that will benefit the readers.

6. The Heart of Success by Om Swami

I got this book in 2019 by Secret Santa, and I have no idea who that person is to this date. In the time of lockdown, this book motivates me. The author bestows the business principle and his own stories to help the readers easily.

7. KP: The Autobiography by Kevin Pietersen

I enjoyed cricket a lot, and reading books written by sportspeople always excites me. Although, this book felt more like a rant. Being an outsider, life was tough for KP in the England cricket team, and the insights in his book clear a lot of his behavior. 

8. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

If you want to learn about the economic system of an ancient city, pick this one. This timeless classic is a satisfying read for all beginner-level finance browsers. 

9. 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup

Another classic and autobiography that is close to my heart. I read the book instead of watching the movie, and I'm glad that I did. The slavery system, pain, struggle, and suffering will break anyone but not Solomon. He fights and escapes from the slavery prison; his determination definitely encourages others.  

10. The Gift of Life by Aabha Rosy Vatsa

A story of a married woman who has to deal with the crap of his husband, parents, and society. Many Indian women can connect with the author and her dilemma. 

11. The Man Who Became Khali by Dalip Singh Rana with Vinit K. Bansal 

If you're a WWE fan the Great Khali, then I'm sure you're familiar with this name. This book will lead you to a small town where it all started and show you how Dalip actually becomes Khali. 

12. Learn to Love by Thomas Jordan

This is a very unique book based on how to improve your unhappy love life. It's a guidebook written by a psychologist/psychoanalyst. The author shares a lot of effective methods and the problems couples mostly face these days. 

13. AB: The Autobiography by AB de Villiers

Another cricketer's book I read this year, and I enjoyed it. He is an all-rounder, and I always relish reading the backstories. He even dedicated a whole chapter to India, and I love him for that. 

14. Finding Your Voice by Mannette Morgan

It's a survivor's guide where the author embarks on a journey to become a survivor instead of a victim. By using her personal story, she decides to help others. It's an excellent book, indeed. 

15. Advanced Global Citizenship by Christo Obreschkow

We are destroying the Earth day by day, and this book shows us the value of leading a morally, ethically, and responsible life. 

16. Facing the Mirror by Ashwini Sukthankar

It is an anthology of Indian lesbians, edited by Ashwini. It portrayed the hidden desires and provided a platform for numerous women to come forward to share their stories. I picked this book for Pride month.

17. Straight to Normal by Sharif D Rangnekar

Another Pride month book I read and admire. Sharif is gay, and he came out at the age of 30. His story inspires a lot of men, and I admire his efforts to pen his story. 

18. Uncut Diamond by Mary Priyadarshini and Joshua Francis

They both prepare a short guide to achieve one's goals. Being a life coach, they share the things that go between a coach and their coachee. 

19. Indestructible: The Hidden Gift of Trauma by Krista Nerestant

The author is a strong woman, but she's not like that from the beginning. She endures pain, and her traumatic experiences lead her to a new entity and beginning. 

20. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

If you like The Richest Man in Babylon, then you're going to love this book. It's one of the best finance books I've ever read. I can't recommend this book enough to you all. 

21. The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life by Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka

In this book, the authors reveal 13 golden rules they discover to live a wonderful life. 

22. Graphene Effect by Joshua Francis 

Another read from Joshua narrates the ideology relating to metal named graphene and how it connects with our lives. 

23. Observational Spirituality by Anilson

It's a guide to studying spirituality via observing nature and its elements. The author lucidly describes the concept, and it's a good book for beginners. 

24. Temple Tales by Sudha G. Tilak

It includes the secrets and sacred stories of famous temples all over India. The author wrote it for children, but if you're interested in Indian history, like me, then you'll definitely going to enjoy it. 

25. Criminal Love by R Raj Rao

One of the best books based on Indian queer culture and politics. This was also my Pride Month choice, and I'm glad I read it. 

26. Bring 'EM ON by Rachit Ghate 'Mark.'

It will help you conquer your fears and give you some wonderful insights about life and living.

27. Finding Success Within by Vivek Atray 

It covers a diverse range of topics that will help the reader in professional and personal life. It has 52 skills that are written for all kinds of personalities. 

28. The Rational Emotive Train by Joseph L. Gill

This is the second book I read this month. It's a short and quick guidebook that you can use in everyday life. It deals with the emotional aspect of human life. 

Conclusion - So this is it, guys. I read twenty-eight nonfiction books in 2020. Let me know how many books you read in November. 

Did you read any books from my list or wanted to? I would love to hear your thoughts. 

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