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August 30, 2020

My Rating - 5 out of 5 stars
Publisher - Sage Publication
Genre - LGBTQ/Non-Fiction
Publishing year - 2017
Language - English
ISBN - 978-9386446497
Pages - 163

Criminal Love?: Queer Theory, Culture, and Politics in India by R. Raj Rao

Book Review - 

This is the first time I have no idea where should I start? What should I write, or how should I express myself? This is my first read from R. Raj Rao, and I am speechless. His writing gave me lots of insights into Indian queer culture. 

Here is a quick clarification for those who have no knowledge of Section 377 of IPC or its history. It was imposed by Britishers in 1861, that same-sex people could not be involved in intercourse, as it is considered an unnatural offence

LGBTQ community suffered all these years immensely, looking for a way out, trying to change the law. In 2009 Delhi High Court decriminalized sex between consenting grown-ups of the same gender, but in 2013 the Supreme Court reversed the conviction. 

Finally, on 6th September 2018, the court converted its previous verdict stating that it was undemocratic and irrational. 

The book was published in 2017, including the political formation and leaders' foolish statements when they said that it is not a part of Indian culture. 

They also question Shashi Tharoor's sexuality because he proposed a bill in Parliament to abraded Section 377. We all heard that being gay, lesbian, or transgender is not a part of our history. It is all a modern concept, and it is corrupting one's mind. 

But the truth is homosexuality is criminalized by English Victorians, not by Indians. One can find it in the scriptures and temples like Hampi, Khajuraho, Konark, and Kamasutra (an ancient Indian text). They all affirm same-sex relationships. 

The LGBTQIA+ people are forced to live in a closet, and those who come out of it face prejudice, harassment, and physical assault. R. Raj Rao depicts society's dynamics and its norms, the way they can't picture two same-sex people showing affection or living life on their terms. 

The fear was always there, but slowly things are changing. There are a lot of people behind that change who still fight and face all the hypocrisy. 

The book is divided into nine chapters overlapping the ideas of queer philosophy, religion, and governments. 

R. Raj Rao used many examples from different books and authors who portray the LGBTQ community. He gave me a whole bunch of ideas for my TBR. 

The author's approach is to criticize past and present norms concerning the subject. The use of words shows his grip on the language. I absolutely loved this novel; the author has been living as openly gay for the last 40 years and is the face of many gay rights movements. 

As he said and I quote, this book attempts to delink alternative sexuality from gender and establish it as an autonomous category. In doing so, one risks getting into conflict with the law

This book will open your eyes and make you understand the community's struggles and dirty politics that snatch their rights. I highly recommend it. 

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