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January 6, 2020

My Rating - 5 out of 5 stars
Publisher - Harper Collins
Genre - Non-Fiction
Publishing year - 2015
Language - English 
ISBN - 978-93-5177-207-1
Pages - 130

Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

My Review - 
Go ahead - believe in yourself. Have the courage and persistence to follow your dreams. And above all, never, never forget that...Attitude is Everything!

Attitude is Everything is a book based on Jeff Keller's journey of being a motivational speaker. Being a lawyer, he was doing well, but something was amiss. So he decided to make a gradual transition and start working as a full-time motivational orator in 1992. 

This novel is divided into three parts, Success Begins in the Mind, Watch Your Words, and Heaven Helps Those Who Act. The foremost objective of the book is to make you believe that you can achieve anything you desire. 

Of course, positive thinking and helpful visualization ability shift things in our favour, but if we continuously welcome negativity in our lives, it will absorb all the great stuff. 

Jeff Keller also talks about how one can succeed in one's job or business. Of course, leaving a sustainable job will never be an easy task, but once you show courage and stick to it no matter what happens, the Universe will come to your rescue. 

Many people commence a new thing but with an incorrect mindset. They stop working after a few difficulties or failures. It will lead them nowhere. The author used real-life examples to supplement his viewpoints.

This book helps me a lot because I am currently working on my new venture, and I need all the support and positivity in my life. I am very confident about it, but after reading this book, I know for sure that no matter how long it takes to become successful, I will not sit back and never stop trying. 

The book is fast-paced and engaging. It will help you to see new possibilities. Also, the author tells how one can bypass negative people in their personal and professional lives. 

It is for every reader, and I can't recommend it enough. 

Running away from your fears is a losing strategy.

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