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December 28, 2022

My Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Publisher - Gloryburg
Genre - Fantasy
Publishing year - 2020
Language - English
ISBN - 978-8193-3658-47
Pages - 187

Scarlett: Lost in The Five Lands by Rajendra Sarilla

Book Review - 

Scarlett: Lost in The Five Lands is the first book in the series penned by Rajendra Sarilla. It is a thrilling and captivating adventure that follows the journey of Scarlett, a young girl with a special gift, as she finds herself in the mysterious land, searching for her identity. 

A strong and independent protagonist, she navigated through dangerous and unfamiliar territory, facing challenges and making allies along the way. One such ally is Black Viper, who brings Scarlett to Queen Edwina's empire. However, they soon realize that this young girl is unique and needs protection; hence she requires training. 

She finds loyal and supportive friends in Vivian, Stella, and Jasper, but many loathe her, like Colin and Helena. Scarlett has no idea that evil Queen Callista wants her, so the attacks surprise her, but it also helps her understand the hidden potential she carries. 

The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns, and I found myself drawn in from the very first page. The author does a great job of balancing action and adventure with character development and emotional depth. The climax, in particular, was incredibly well done, with a satisfying resolution to the central conflict and a hint of what might come next for Scarlett and her friends.

One of the things that stood out to me about this book was that Rajendra Sarilla had created a fascinating and convoluted world with its own history, culture, and rules. He does an excellent job of bringing it to life through vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue. 

Overall, it is a fantastic read that I highly recommend to fantasy and adventure fans. I can't wait to see where Scarlett's journey takes her next, and I will definitely be picking the next book in the series.

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