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June 20, 2022

My Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Publisher - Walnut Publication
Genre - Non-Fiction/Self-Help
Publishing year - 2022
Language - English
ISBN - 978-1957302270
Pages - 157

Why Should I Worry When I Can Face the World by Shibu Nair

Book Review - 

Most of us have heard or said this - life is full of worries. We all want to stop worrying. But is it possible? 

The answer is YES. 

We can stop worrying and live our lives peacefully if we want to, obviously, the path is not easy, but it is not impossible. 

I'm one of those who overthinks everything and creates situations in my head that never come true; it disturbs my mental peace. If you're like me, you know how hard it is for us to return to reality and focus on the present. 

We want to face the world, but our own minds defeat us. It's a constant battle; sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. So, when Shibu Nair's debut book Why Should I Worry When I Can Face the World came my way, I was eager to read it. 

It is divided into eleven chapters and conveys the author's journey, experiences, and anecdotes of people with whom he interacted. He kept the content to the point and provided distinct outlooks on life's problems and solutions. 

After each chapter, he delivered a task/activity to do, so the readers could practice the lessons they learned. Written in lucid language with flawless narration, this book will help you understand that worrying is a waste of time and energy. 

Shibu Nair wrote this book after realizing that his happiness is shrouded by fretting, nervousness, and stress, and it was because of the people he interacted with regularly. This book also portrays his journey of self-discovery. 

Self-help books always aid me to realize that there is so much in my life that most people don't have, and I still worry, which is incorrect. They made me introspect and taught me new things. Sometimes the lessons are repetitive, but it's okay because I always need a reminder. 

A reminder to stay in the present, a reminder to show gratitude, a reminder to live my life to the fullest, a reminder that worrying will not solve my problems, and much more. So, thank you, Shibu Nair, for these reminders. 

I highly recommend this book to those who constantly live in their heads and are surrounded by worries; this fast-paced book is ideal for you. 

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