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Interview with Sheryl Rothert

She currently lives in Chilliwack, BC, Canada and is a former Home Economics teacher, plus a Financial Advisor, now enjoying the teaching of Gr. 2 in Matsqui, BC, the town where her mom grew up!

Sheryl created a system for her family to eat nutritious meals while keeping within a spending plan that created more savings for other necessities. Retirement savings was the main focus to start, then Sheryl found this system also to be the path to more health and more time: easy, quick, low-cost, nutritious meals for during the week of busy activities.

In order to produce the desired results, a plan needed to be in place and it also needed to be easy. The incentive of seeing the savings grow, with compound interest, also helps to stay with the plan in order to achieve significant results. Easy plan, easy system - great results! Sheryl wanted to share this system with others, so she needed to write a book, hence the sharing with you all now!

Q.1 Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
In Gr. 11, I did not like to write at all, or get up in front of the class to give a speech! I did both, with a story I wrote about not liking to write and from then on I could! (do both!)

Q.2 Are we going to read more from you shortly? Any new project you’re working on?
Currently, my writing is directed at raisinging awareness about my book, through Instagram posts and magazine articles. If I see a need to write further on the same topic, or another societal need, I will accept the challenge!

Q.3 When did you decide to write Found Health Wealth and Time in a Grocery Bag?
When I was looking at where our money was needed and wanted to see where I could make some changes in order to invest more savings for retirement time. Buying Groceries is one area that we do have control over, whereas bills and other financial obligations are set in stone, for the most part. I came up with a plan for our family, so then I wanted to share it with others, therefore a book resulted!

Q.4 Your book emphasizes the importance of strategic grocery shopping. What are some common mistakes people make while grocery shopping, and how can they avoid them?
Buying more fresh food than they can logistically store properly, so food AND money do NOT get thrown out! Paying by credit card - makes it too easy to spend more than necessary! Paying by cash creates a mindful limit, so mindless overspending doesn’t happen!

Q.5 The book discusses the concept of compounding savings. Can you elaborate on how small daily savings can lead to significant long-term financial benefits?
Coffees and lunches can add on $20/day for some people, which becomes $600/month!

This is totally unnecessary>>> make your own coffee AND your own lunch! You will save at least $400, which, when invested, will be a significant retirement fund after 40 years of working!

I use this basic example>> $200 saved/month from mindful grocery spending over 40 years of working, and invested at 8% = $1.5 million!

Just imagine if you simply made your own coffee and lunch every day, what you could add to your savings/investing routine!

Q.6 What are some of the challenges you faced while writing this book and how did you overcome them?
Finding the time to work on the book consistently, so as not to lose the flow of what I wanted to present. I developed a “book-writing” plan to follow every day. Each chapter was in a ziploc bag and for each day of writing, I could decide which chapter to work on!

Q.7 Lifestyle changes often require consistent effort and commitment. How can your book guide readers in maintaining the motivation needed to implement these strategic ways into their daily lives?
By following the plans and guidelines consistently. My guidelines are easy to follow and when people see their savings adding up, plus investments growing, they will stay on track. That was a big goal of mine to show how the savings can significantly grow from compound interest, so as to be the motivation to stay with the plan.

Q.8 You provide monthly meal plans and sample grocery lists in the book. How did you develop these, and what factors did you consider to ensure they are practical and easy to follow?
Step by step, I developed these plans to work well for my family’s busy schedule of activities. I based my plans on a monthly schedule, so the planning just has to be done once a month and we will know each week what we were eating and when. Plans were also made to adjust easily, as things do come up! 

The grocery lists are made from the meal plans, to have the necessary food for each week already in the house; it was also very good to know that the lists were already made up and I knew what was being purchased each week, so then I knew the grocery bill for each week and month. The less times visiting a grocery store, the lower the bill is going to be. freeing up time for other activities!

Q.9 You introduce financial concepts like Albert Einstein's Rule of 72 in your book. How did you decide to integrate financial wisdom into a health and nutrition book?
The main reason for me to start my plans was to free up more money for future plans. Money consistently saved each month can be invested each month to have compound interest help to grow that savings each month. When saved money is invested, it can become so much more money for you! On a consistent, automatic basis, this growth becomes so easy. I wanted to show people this concept in my book to give them the incentive to follow my strategies!

Q.10 What were your feelings when you first saw the cover of the finished product?
I was very proud, especially when my sister helped to assemble the content into a “real” book and my two daughters helped to do the cover!

Q.11 What role do proper food storage and the use of appropriate kitchen appliances play in saving money and reducing waste?
When food is stored properly, there should be little to no food waste, saving a significant amount of money. Appropriate appliances ensure that food is cooked properly, reducing food waste and enticing the use of leftovers, as the food more readily retains its flavour.

Q.12 What are some of your favourite healthy recipes from the book, and why?
I especially like the Chicken Chowder, as it is a great comforting recipe that freezes well, making great leftovers!

All my recipes are such and they are easy to prepare, saving significant time in the kitchen; this factor is of great importance to me, as I like to spend time with family and friends!

Q.13 How did you decide which recipes to include in the book, and what was your process for developing them?
I wanted recipes to have a short list of ingredients and a short list of instructions, easy to follow! My family really liking a recipe was also important for inclusion in my book!

Q.14 Do you have any unique and quirky writing habits?
I like to write like I am talking to the people who are reading! I also like to inject humour where I can. Also, I like to take major concepts and show the simplicity of and need to adopt the strategies.

Q.15 What makes your book stand out from the crowd?
I wanted to combine the growth of money saving from smart grocery planning and shopping. As I worked on the book, I kept checking the bestseller lists to be sure my concept was not already being used and the title would fit well into those lists! From what I hear from book reviewers, my concept is still a unique one.

Q.16 In your view, what is the most overlooked aspect of combining health and financial savings?
A. Thinking that you can save significantly from how you plan your groceries. Some think it is just food, how can I really be spending too much just buying food! Some don’t want to take the time to plan their grocery spending; that’s what I needed to make my strategies easy to follow.

Q.17 Who edited your book, and how did you select them?
My sister and I edited my book. Part of my sister’s career has been editing documents.

Q.18 Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with positive and negative feedback?
Yes, I do read my reviews. Negative feedback is okay, I can learn from those as well, but for the most part, my reviews have been positive! Reviews are from people and people are all very different in their thinking!

Q.19 How did you come up with the title of this book?
My idea was that someone found these groceries just lying on the sidewalk. The title is written like a lost and found ad! Health, Wealth and Time all need to be included in the title because all 3 can be found by following the strategies in my book! The title is a little long, but all the words are needed!

Q.20 Share the experience of your writing journey so far.
It has all been very exciting to produce a book that will help people save money and have it become more! As time goes on, the need for these strategies grows and grows.

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